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What is RSS?

RSS is an XML-based technology designed to summarize and index publications posted on the Web into a customized format that includes a title, a concise description of an article, and a URL link. With RSS, users can subscribe to specific news feeds to monitor lists of publications as they are updated. Users may then skim titles and descriptions of articles and choose to ignore the information, read a summary, or view the original source document via the URL link.

To read RSS files and subscribe to news feeds, a user must install newsreader software—also known as a news aggregator—which is an application that monitors websites that contain RSS files. A newsreader alerts users when new content is detected, and it tracks read and unread content. Once a user adds an RSS site to his or her list of news feeds, the information appears at specified times (e.g., hourly, daily, weekly) within the window of the newsreader.

Requirements for Receiving RSS Feeds

To receive RSS feeds, you need an RSS newsreader. You then subscribe to the website from which you want to receive content, and the information will be delivered automatically to your RSS newsreader. Note that most modern web browsers have integrated RSS newsreaders (IE 7/IE 8 and Firefox 3) but Internet Explorer 6 and earlier do not have integrated RSS newsreaders and you will need to obtain, install and configure a stand-alone or web-based RSS newsreader.


  1. Here are the steps:

  3. Choose a newsreader (aggregator) to organize and read your content.
  4. After installing your RSS newsreader, click the link of the RSS feed title above the RSS icon that you're most interested in to subscribe to the category.
  5. Follow the prompts offered by your RSS newsreader to complete the subscription.
  6. Use your RSS newsreader to read news when it arrives and click headline links to get the full web page.

How to Subscribe to the RSS Feeds:

Outlook 2007 Users

Outlook 2007 users have two ways to subscribe to RSS Feeds:

1. Open the RSS Feeds in Internet Explorer 7 In Internet Explorer 7, click the RSS Feed links above, and then click Subscribe to this feed.

After you subscribe to an RSS Feed, you can view the content anytime. In Internet Explorer 7, click the Favorites center button ie7favstar, and then click Feeds.

NOTE By default Outlook 2007 and Internet Explorer 7 share subscription information for RSS Feeds, which allows you to view RSS Feeds in either program.

or 2. Add the RSS Feed manually to Outlook 2007 Right-click on the RSS Feed link above, and then click Copy Shortcut. In Outlook 2007, in the Navigation Pane, right-click the RSS Feeds folder, and then click Add a New RSS Feed. Press CTRL-V to paste the RSS Feed Uniform Resource Locator (URL) (the shortcut link you copied) into the New RSS Feed dialog box, and then click Add.

Outlook 2003 Users

Open the RSS Feeds in Internet Explorer 7 In Internet Explorer 7, click the RSS Feed links above, and then click Subscribe to this feed.

After you subscribe to an RSS Feed, you can view the content anytime. In Internet Explorer 7, click the Favorites center button ie7favstar, and then click Feeds.

If you use some other RSS reader, you may need to copy and paste the RSS Feed link into your reader in order to sign up. Start by right-clicking the RSS button or link above, and then clicking Copy Shortcut. In your RSS Feed reader, follow the instructions to add a link, and then press CTRL-V to paste the RSS Feed Uniform Resource Locator (URL) (the shortcut link you copied) when prompted for the RSS Feed address, URL, or link.


From Firefox

Subscribing to feeds using Live Bookmarks

Firefox lets you subscribe to feeds using "Live Bookmarks". Your default Firefox bookmarks include one such web feed, the "Latest Headlines" feed, as shown in the screen capture here.

Firefox 3

You can choose different options for subscribing to web feeds, including "Add Live Bookmarks in Firefox", from "Tools -> Options -> Applications", by clicking on "Web Feed" in the list of content types and choosing an option from the drop-down menu.

Firefox 2

You can choose different options for subscribing to web feeds, including "Live Bookmarks", based on your selections under "Tools -> Options -> Feeds":

  • Show me a preview and ask me which Feed Reader to use. If this option is selected, you will be presented with a preview of the feed content and a choice of using "Live Bookmarks", some web-based readers or your own application.
  • Subscribe to the feed using: Select this option and choose "Live Bookmarks" if you always want to subscribe to feeds using "Live Bookmarks".

How to add a Live Bookmark

When you are on a web page where a web feed is available:

  1. Click the web feed icon RSS at the right side of the Location Bar (you may need to select a title - some sites have more than one).
  2. If you have not previously set an automatic action to subscribe to feeds, set "Subscribe to this feed using" to "Live Bookmarks" and click "Subscribe Now"
  3. The "Add Live Bookmark" dialog will appear. Modify the name and "Create in" location, if you wish.
  4. Click "OK".

If a site doesn't display the icon in the Firefox Location Bar, it may still have an available feed. If you see a small orange icon with "RSS", "RDF" "XML" or "Atom" on the web page, then that icon will link to the feed. In Firefox 2 and above, you may be able to simply click the web feed link in the webpage to subscribe to the feed; otherwise, to manually add the feed as a Live Bookmark, follow these directions:

Manually adding a Live Bookmark

Context-click (right-click) the "RSS", "RDF", "XML" or "Atom" icon that links to the web feed and select "Copy Link Location", then proceed as follows:

Firefox 3
  1. Paste (or type in) the URL for the web feed into the Firefox Location Bar (address bar)
  2. Click the "Go" arrow (or press the "Enter" key).
  3. Subscribe to the feed using Live Bookmarks as explained above.
Firefox 2

Use the above instructions or add a new Live Bookmark using the Bookmarks Manager, as follows:

Firefox 2 and below:

  1. Go to "Bookmarks -> Organize (or Manage) Bookmarks to open the Bookmarks Manager
  2. Click "File -> New Live Bookmark".
  3. Type in a name and type or paste in the feed location you copied earlier.
  4. Click OK. (If your new Live Bookmark does not appear on your Bookmarks toolbar you can reopen the Bookmarks Manager and drag it there, if you wish.)

For My Yahoo!

  1. View the tab to which you want to add content by clicking its name in the tab bar.
  2. Open the content gallery by clicking Add Content.
  3. Click Add RSS Feed found in the bottom-center of the gallery.
  4. In the box, type or paste the URL of the RSS feed source, then click the Add button.
  5. When you’ve added the content you want, click the I’m Done button.

The content appears at the top of the left or right column on your tab.