Charter School Campus Calendar Submission

Date:  July 9, 2020                
Subject: Charter School Campus Calendar Submission
Category: Charter Schools
Next Steps:  By August 1, 2020, complete calendar submission requirements


Each Texas charter holder must have an annual school calendar approved by its governing board for every currently operating campus. 19 Texas Administrative Code §100.1211(g) states that “a charter holder shall adopt a school year for the charter school, with fixed beginning and ending dates. The charter school shall submit a copy of the charter school's campus calendars to the TEA division responsible for charter school administration prior to the first day of August of each year.” This requirement was previously met by submitting calendars to the division of State Funding. Beginning with the 2020-2021 school year, the division of Charter School Administration will be collecting charter school campus calendars. 

To facilitate charter holders completing the requirement for campus calendar submission, the division of Charter School Administration has developed an online calendar submission survey. Each charter superintendent/CEO or designee should complete and submit the online calendar survey. The online calendar survey must be completed and submitted to the agency electronically by August 1, 2020, for each campus operating in the 2020-2021 school year with its own County-District-Campus Number (CDCN). 

Instructions for Survey Completion 

After opening the submission survey, the following items must be completed. A separate survey must be completed for each campus in operation with its own CDCN. 

  1. Select the name of the charter holder from the drop-down list. 
  2. Type in the respondent’s name (the person completing the survey). 
  3. Type in the respondent’s title. 
  4. Type in the respondent’s email address. 
  5. Type in the number of active campuses with CDCNs that the charter holder will operate in the 2020-2021 school year. Do not include approved sites, only include active campuses. 
  6. Provide the nine-digit CDCN for the individual campus. 
  7. Select the month and date of the first day of classes for the individual campus from the drop-down menu. 
  8. Select the month and date of the last day of classes for the individual campus from the drop-down menu. 
  9. Upload a PDF copy of the individual campus calendar. Name the file as the CDCN of the campus. 
  10. Respond to the certification that the respondent has the authority to submit this survey and that all information contained herein is complete and accurate, by typing the respondent’s name. 
  11. After the certification is complete, the survey will automatically submit to the division of Charter School Administration. 

If you have any questions regarding the completion of this survey, please email All online calendar survey submissions must be received by August 1, 2020

Heather Mauzé, Executive Director
Division of Charter School Administration