House Bill 3 (HB 3) Implementation: Mentor Program Allotment

Date:  December 5, 2019
Subject: House Bill 3 (HB 3) Implementation: Mentor Program Allotment
Category: New Teacher Mentoring
Next Steps:  Share with appropriate staff 


House Bill (HB) 3 was passed by the 86th Texas Legislature, 2019, and signed into law by Governor Abbott on June 11, 2019. The following areas within HB 3 specifically relate to new teacher mentoring: 

  • Mentor Program Allotment (Texas Education Code (TEC), §48.114)
  • Mentors (TEC, §21.458)

Today, the agency released a HB 3 in 30 New Teacher Mentoring webinar focusing on these areas of the bill, which you can view at

Overview of the Mentor Program Allotment

  • The Mentor Program Allotment (MPA) is a new optional program for districts. If districts choose to follow the best practices in TEC, §21.458, they could qualify for MPA funds.
  • If district interest and eligibility exceed the state funding amount ($3M), priority will be given based on need. 
  • The MPA funding formula will provide districts with $1,800 per mentee, which can be used on mentor stipends, scheduled release time, and mentor training. Funding is intended to reduce districts costs for building and sustaining best practices in new teacher mentorship. 
  • Funding will begin in the 2020-2021 school year. Interested districts will need to apply for MPA funding in spring 2020, and there will be an annual application window. 

Application & Review Process 
Districts will need to apply for MPA funds, and applications will be available for the first time in spring 2020 for the 2020-2021 school year. 

  • In the application, districts will describe how they will abide by the requirements of TEC, §21.458, including those around mentor selection and assignment, mentor training, mentor roles and responsibilities, and mentor program design and delivery. 
  • As stated above, if district interest and eligibility exceed the state funding amount, priority will be given based on need. 
  • It is proposed that priority points be assigned based on district size, rural status, and percentage of the district’s student population that qualifies as economically disadvantaged. Points will be assigned on a scale, and more details will be communicated at a later date. 

Spending Requirements & Compliance Report  

  • Districts that participate in the MPA will certify annually that they have spent their MPA funds on mentor stipends, release time, or mentor training. 
  • Annually, districts will submit an end-of-year compliance report. 


Spring 2020 Districts apply for MPA funding & provide estimates of beginning teacher counts.
Spring 2020 TEA reviews and approves applications.
Summer 2020 Districts provide updated numbers of beginning teachers.
Fall 2020 TEA funds districts for the 2020-2021 school year.
SY 2020-2021 Districts implement mentor programs.
Summer 2021 Districts submit end-of-year compliance reports.
Fall 2021 Funding is reconciled during September settle-up.

If you have any questions related to this letter or the Mentor Program Allotment under HB 3, please contact us at