Residential Facilities Tracker in the Texas Student Data System

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April 18, 2019


Residential Facilities Tracker in the Texas Student Data System


Residential Facility Tracker Update


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The Residential Facilities (RF) Tracker is a state reporting feature in the Texas Student Data System (TSDS).  RF Tracker will be used to collect data for students with disabilities who reside in residential care and treatment facilities within the geographic boundaries or jurisdiction of local educational agencies (LEAs). For reporting purposes, an RF is considered a facility that provides 24-hour custody or care of students with disabilities 22 years of age or younger for detention, treatment, foster care, or any non-educational purpose. This data will be used to inform stakeholders, such as educators, parents, and legislators, about the effectiveness of educational programs and student outcomes for students residing in residential facilities in accordance with 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §97.1072. The RF Tracker data collection will be made available to public schools to submit student level data for the 2019-2020 school year. LEAs should report information for all students with disabilities, served by the LEA, who reside in residential care and treatment facilities within the geographic boundaries or jurisdiction of their LEA in the 2019-2020 school year.

The RF Tracker data collection will be available beginning September 9, 2019 and continuing through July 30, 2020.

The information below is designed to assist LEAs in the RF Tracker data submission process.

Residential Facilities

Existing Residential Facility IDs:

  • Residential Facility IDs will be migrated from the Legacy Residential Monitoring System into AskTED.
  • If there are changes to an existing Residential Facility, the LEA will complete the Residential Facility Identification form (attached to this letter) and submit via a TSDS Incident Management System (TIMS) ticket.
  • Once the change is completed, the TIMS ticket will be returned to the LEA for verification.

Request New Residential Facility ID:

  • The LEA will complete the Residential Facility Identification form and submit via a TIMS ticket.   
  • Once the Residential Facility ID has been added, the TIMS ticket will be returned to the LEA with the new Residential Facility ID.
  • The new Residential Facility can now be viewed through AskTED.

Request Roles for Submitting Data

The following TSDS Portal user roles will be used for the RF Tracker data collection. The roles allow users to load RF Tracker data, validate and complete the data, and submit help desk tickets. The same person may have multiple roles.  

  • The person designated to load data for RF Tracker will request the Operational Data Storage (ODS) Data Loader role.
  • The person designated to promote/validate the data will request the RF Tracker Data Promoter role.
  • The person designated to complete the data will request the RF Tracker Data Completer role.
  • The person designated to request extensions for the RF Tracker data collection will request the RF Tracker Data Approver role.
  • The person designated to only view the reports will request the RF Tracker Data Viewer role.
  • The person designated to submit help desk tickets through the TSDS Incident Management System (TIMS) will request the TIMS L1 Support role.
  • The Regional Education Service Center (ESC) staff person designated to monitor or view the LEA RF Tracker data collection will request the RFT ESC Data Viewer.

These roles can be requested via the TEAL secure portal at

NOTE:  A TEAL account is suspended after 90 days of inactivity.

Data Collection Process

  1. Download the Client Side Validation Tool from the TSDS Portal to validate the extracted TEDS Compliant XML data for RF Tracker.
  2. ODS Data Loader:  Upload data via the DTU or manually by logging on to TSDS.
  3. RF Tracker Promoter role:  Promote and validate the data for the collection.
  4. RF Tracker Completer role: Once the data has been submitted for the entire year, and verified, the collection can then be completed.

LEAs should contact their ESCs or a certified vendor for RF Tracker training and support. Certified staff will have completed training for TSDS and data loading and will be able to assist in this process. LEAs can begin promoting RF Tracker data for 2019-2020 school year beginning September 9, 2019.


If you have additional questions about the 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §97.1072, please contact TEA staff via email at All technical questions should be submitted via the TSDS Incident Management System (TIMS), which is available within the TSDS Core application.

Attachment: Residential Facility Tracker Identification Form