School Year 2015–2016 (Fiscal Year 2016) Preliminary IDEA-B LEA MOE Compliance Reviews

PDF Version

April 3, 2017


SUBJECT: School Year 2015–2016 (Fiscal Year 2016) Preliminary IDEA-B LEA MOE Compliance Reviews

TEA has calculated preliminary IDEA-B local educational agency (LEA) maintenance of effort (MOE) compliance reviews for school year 2015–2016. Follow these steps to find your preliminary review in the GFFC Reports and Data Collections secure application:

  1. Log on to TEA Secure Environment (TEASE) or TEA Login (TEAL).
  2. Select “GFFC Reports and Data Collections.”
  3. Select your LEA’s name or county-district number (CDN).
  4. From the Report Title drop-down menu, select “IDEA-B LEA MOE Compliance Review.”
  5. From the School Year drop-down menu, select “2015–2016.”

LEA Review of TEA’s Preliminary IDEA-B LEA MOE Compliance Review

Your LEA is responsible for reviewing TEA’s preliminary IDEA-B LEA MOE compliance review and comparing it to your own internal review. If you used TEA’s IDEA-B LEA MOE Calculation Tool, located on the IDEA-B LEA MOEpage of the TEA website, your preliminary results should match TEA’s.

LEA Response

Once you have made your comparison, you have four options for response, as described below. Please note that Option 1 requires no further action on your part, while the remaining three options require you to submit documentation or communicate with TEA by April 10, 2017.

If you submit no response by April 10, 2017, TEA will consider that you have chosen Option 1.

Option 1: Accept Results

If your preliminary results match TEA’s, you have no allowable statutory exceptions and/or adjustments, and you accept TEA’s preliminary results, then no further action or response is required. The preliminary results will become the final results.

Option 2: Submit Allowable Exceptions/Adjustment to Fiscal Effort Considerations

If TEA’s preliminary results match your preliminary results but you have allowable statutory exceptions and/or adjustment to fiscal effort to submit for consideration in the final IDEA-B LEA MOE compliance review, you must submit all of the following to GFFC Reports and Data Collections by the deadline date of April 10, 2017:

  • IDEA-B LEA MOE Certification Form, signed by the superintendent
  • IDEA-B LEA MOE Exceptions Workbook
  • Supporting documentation to justify the amounts reported in the IDEA-B LEA MOE Exceptions Workbook for any of the allowable exceptions

All forms and supporting documentation must be submitted by April 10, 2017. TEA will complete the final IDEA-B LEA MOE compliance review of compliance or noncompliance with the documentation in the agency’s possession as of April10,2017.

Instructions for submitting required documentation are provided following the description of Option 4, below.

Option 3: Recalculate If Results Do Not Match

If you used TEA’s IDEA-B LEA MOE Calculation Tool, and your preliminary results do not match TEA’s, review your documentation and recalculate your MOE using the calculation tool.

If your recalculation does not match TEA’s preliminary results, email to alert TEA of the discrepancy. TEA will contact you regarding further required action.

Option 4: Submit Alternate Local Methodology

If your LEA established an alternate local methodology to calculate any of the four test methods, your compliance review will not match TEA’s. Email compliance@tea.texas.govto alert TEA that you intend to submit an alternate local methodology along with supporting documentation for consideration in the final IDEA-B LEA MOE compliance review. TEA will contact you regarding further required action.

Forms and Submission Requirements for Option 2

The IDEA-B LEA MOE Exceptions Workbook is accessible in GFFC Reports and Data Collections, under the “Download Forms” menu, and also on the IDEA-B LEA MOEpage of the TEA website. The first tab of the IDEA-B LEA MOE Exceptions Workbook is the IDEA-B LEA MOE Certification Form. The certification must be signed by the LEA’s superintendent. Follow these steps to complete the certification:

  1. Enter the name of your LEA.
  2. Enter the county-district number of your LEA.
  3. Enter the name of the LEA official who is signing the form.
  4. Enter the official’s title.
  5. Print the certification tab.
  6. Have the superintendent sign and date the printed page.
  7. Scan the signed and dated page.
  8. Upload via GFFC Reports and Data Collections, as instructed below, to the IDEA-B LEA MOE Certification folder.

Follow these steps to submit the LEA’s signed IDEA-B LEA MOE Certification Form, IDEA-B LEA MOE Exceptions Workbook, and supporting documentation to GFFC Reports and Data Collections for consideration in the final IDEA-B LEA MOE compliance review:

  1. Log on to the TEA Secure Environment (TEASE) or TEA Login (TEAL).
  2. Select “GFFC Reports and Data Collections.”
  3. Select “Upload Response Documents.”
  4. Select the applicable response document title from the pull-down menu:
    • IDEA-B LEA MOE Certification
    • IDEA-B LEA MOE Exceptions Workbook
    • IDEA-B LEA MOE Support Documents
  5. Select the “2015–2016” school year.
  6. Select Response Doc type “Response Document.”
  7. Select “Upload Document.”
  8. Important: Repeat steps 4–7 to upload each of the three required documents.

Do Not Remit Refunds

Your LEA must not remit refunds to TEA based on the preliminary IDEA-B LEA MOE compliance review. TEA will notify you in the final compliance review report if your LEA owes a refund and provide additional information at that time.

For Further Information

If you have any questions, please email


Ed Santiago, Senior Director
Federal Fiscal Compliance and Reporting Division