Validations of Fiscal Data Reported by LEAs for Federal Grants

Date:  September 7, 2023
Subject: Validations of Fiscal Data Reported by LEAs for Federal Grants 
Category: Federal Fiscal Compliance and Reporting
Next Steps:  LEAs chosen in random sample(s) to provide documentation when requested 


The purpose of this letter is to inform local educational agencies (LEAs) that the Federal Fiscal Compliance and Reporting (FFCR) Division of the Texas Education Agency (TEA) will conduct random validations of the self-reported data submitted by LEAs related to fiscal compliance for federal grants programs. Listed below are the data subject to validation this school year. Additional data validations may be added as needed. 

  • SC5050 LEA Enrollment Data Request 
  • Title I, Part A Comparability Computation Form (CCF) 
  • SC9000 Annual Survey of Children in Local Residential Facilities for the Neglected/Delinquent 
  • SC9010 Survey of Children in Stage Agency Facilities 
  • Substitute System of Time and Effort 
  • Special Education Consolidated Federal Grant Application, Schedule BS6016– Fiscal Compliance Requirements 

One of the ways that an LEA demonstrates compliance with fiscal requirements is by establishing a system of accountability for federal grant funds. An effective system of internal controls must be in place to prevent, detect, and reduce the risks of fraud, waste, and abuse of federal grant funds. The purpose of the system is to ensure that LEAs provide reasonable assurance that grant objectives have been met as required by federal regulations and guidelines. As part of its internal controls process, TEA conducts validations of various LEA self-reported data. 

Data Validation Timeline

The table below provides the deadline date for each of the respective eGrants forms and other reports. Any LEA can reasonably expect to be selected for the data validation. TEA will notify selected LEAs to submit their auditable documentation in support of their self-reported data based on the timeline below. Each notification will include additional information about the specific validation process.

eGrants Form/Other Reporting Deadline Date Selection and Notification of Data Validation
2023–2024 SC5050 (New open-enrollment charter school submission)  November 1, 2023 After the SC5050 submission
2023–2024 Title I, Part A Comparability Computation Form (CCF) November 17, 2023 After the CCF submission
2024–2025 SC9000 December 1, 2023 After the SC9000 submission 
2024–2025 SC9010
(Applicable only to Windham School District and Texas Juvenile Justice Department) 
December 20, 2023 After the SC9010 submission
2023–2024 SC5050
(Open-enrollment charter schools claiming significant expansion)
January 31, 2024 After the SC5050 submission
2023–2024 Substitute System of Time and Effort
(Applicable only to LEAs with an approved substitute system of time and effort)
May 10, 2024 After substitute time and effort reporting is approved by TEA
2024–2025 Special Education Consolidated Grant Application, Schedule BS6016 September 3, 2024 After application submission

For Further Information 

If you have questions, please contact the FFCR Division by email at