Account Access for Educators

Educators - Account Setup Instructions
Instructions for educators, including paraprofessionals, to help you locate or create an account in TEAL, link to your certification account in ECOS, and get started with tasks such as those related to certificate renewal and testing.

Educators - Instructions for Finding Your Unique ID
Instructions for educators to help you locate your Unique ID number on your TEAL profile.

Other Resources and Contacts for Educators:

Educator Certification

Educator Preparation and Continuing Education

Regional ESC Contacts for TEAL Assistance

ETS (website for organization that coordinates certification-related testing)
Contact phone number: 1 (800) 205-2626

Still need help? If you have additional questions or need help with TEA account access, submit a request at  Helpdesk

 For questions related to educator certification, testing, or preparation, see contacts listed at Contact Educator Certification.





Contact Information

For help, visit  Help3

Business Hours: 8am-5pm
(State holidays excepted)

Contact Educator Certification 

ETS Educator Testing

TEA General Inquiry