Proposed State Board of Education Rules

All proposed new rules, proposed amendments to existing rules, and proposed repeals approved for first reading by the State Board of Education (SBOE) and filed with the Texas Register are available here. The rule text on this page reflects what was approved for first reading by the SBOE. Rule actions will remain on this page until approved for second reading by the SBOE and filed as adopted with the Texas Register. The SBOE agenda provides detailed information on these proposed rules.

During the proposed rule's public comment period, you may submit public comments electronically using the public comment form. See proposals below for their comment periods.

If you have questions about the public comment process for proposed rulemaking, please view our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page or contact the TEA Rulemaking Unit at (512) 475-1497 or by email at

The following links present the preamble filed with the Texas Register in PDF format. The preamble includes information describing the proposed rule action as well as the rule text. The PDF contains a bookmark that will allow you to navigate directly to the beginning of the rule text using the bookmarks feature of your PDF reader.

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The SBOE agenda provides detailed information on these proposed rules.

Proposed Rules with Open Public Comment Periods

Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC Chapter 74, Curriculum Requirements, Subchapter A, Required Curriculum, §74.5, Academic Achievement Record (Transcript)
Summary: The proposed amendment would require that completion of instruction in the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED) in addition to the existing requirement for instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) be indicated on a student's academic achievement record.
Resumen en Español: La modificación propuesta exigiría que la finalización de la enseñanza en el uso de un desfibrilador externo automático, además del requisito existente de enseñanza en reanimación cardiopulmonar, conste en el expediente de rendimiento académico de un estudiante.
First Reading and Filing Authorization: January-February 2024 SBOE meeting
Public Comment Period: March 1, 2024-5:00 p.m. on April 1, 2024. The SBOE will take registered oral and written comments on the proposal at the appropriate committee meeting in April 2024 in accordance with the SBOE board operating policies and procedures. 
Proposed Effective Date: August 1, 2024

Send a public comment on Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC §74.5

Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC Chapter 74, Curriculum Requirements, Subchapter C, Other Provisions, §74.28, Students with Dyslexia and Related Disorders
Summary: The proposed amendment would update the rule to align with House Bill (HB) 3928, 88th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2023; clarify terminology used in the Texas Education Code (TEC); and update the Dyslexia Handbook: Procedures Concerning Dyslexia and Related Disorders (Dyslexia Handbook) adopted as Figure: 19 TAC §74.28(c) to clarify requirements related to dyslexia evaluation, identification, and instruction.
Resumen en Español: La modificación propuesta actualizaría la norma para armonizarla con la Ley 3928 de la Cámara de Representantes, 88.° Legislatura de Texas, sesión ordinaria, 2023, aclararía la terminología utilizada en el Código de Educación de Texas y actualizaría el documento Dyslexia Handbook: Procedures Concerning Dyslexia and Related Disorders [Manual de dislexia: procedimientos respecto a la dislexia y trastornos relacionados], adoptado como “Figura: 19 TAC §74.28(c)”, con el fin de aclarar los requisitos relacionados con la evaluación, identificación e enseñanza para personas con dislexia.
First Reading and Filing Authorization: January-February 2024 SBOE meeting
Public Comment Period: March 1, 2024-5:00 p.m. on April 1, 2024. The SBOE will take registered oral and written comments on the proposal at the appropriate committee meeting in April 2024 in accordance with the SBOE board operating policies and procedures. 
Proposed Effective Date: 20 days after filing as adopted with the Texas Register

Send a public comment on Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC §74.28

Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC Chapter 74, Curriculum Requirements, Subchapter C, Other Provisions, §74.38, Requirements for Instruction in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Summary: The proposed amendment would implement House Bill (HB) 4375, 88th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, by requiring instruction in the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED) in addition to instruction in CPR for students in Grades 7-12.
Resumen en Español: La modificación propuesta implementaría la Ley 4375 de la Cámara de Representantes, 88.° Legislatura de Texas, sesión ordinaria, 2023, al exigir enseñanza en el uso de un desfibrilador externo automático, además de enseñanza en reanimación cardiopulmonar (RCP), para estudiantes de 7.° a 12.° grado.
First Reading and Filing Authorization: January-February 2024 SBOE meeting
Public Comment Period: March 1, 2024-5:00 p.m. on April 1, 2024. The SBOE will take registered oral and written comments on the proposal at the appropriate committee meeting in April 2024 in accordance with the SBOE board operating policies and procedures. 
Proposed Effective Date: August 1, 2024

Send a public comment on Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC §74.38

Proposed New 19 TAC Chapter 127, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Career Development and Career and Technical Education, Subchapter C, Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, §§127.30, 127.45-127.58, 127.86, and 127.87; Subchapter O, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, §127.795 and §127.796; and Subchapter P, Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics, §§127.887-127.890 and 127.920
Summary: The proposal would update and add new Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for courses in the agribusiness, animal science, plant science, and aviation maintenance programs of study as well as update TEKS for two science, technology, engineering, and mathematics courses that may satisfy science graduation requirements to ensure the content of the courses remains current and supports relevant and meaningful programs of study.
Resumen en Español: La propuesta actualizaría y agregaría nuevos exámenes de conocimientos y habilidades esenciales de Texas (TEKS) para cursos en los programas de estudio de agroindustria, zootecnia, fitología y mantenimiento de aviación, así como también actualizaría los exámenes TEKS para dos cursos de ciencias, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas que puedan satisfacer los requisitos de graduación en ciencias, con la finalidad de garantizar que el contenido de los cursos se mantenga actualizado y sustente programas de estudio relevantes y significativos.
First Reading and Filing Authorization: January-February 2024 SBOE meeting
Public Comment Period: March 1, 2024-5:00 p.m. on April 1, 2024. The SBOE will take registered oral and written comments on the proposal at the appropriate committee meeting in April 2024 in accordance with the SBOE board operating policies and procedures. 
Proposed Effective Date: 20 days after filing as adopted with the Texas Register

Send a public comment on Proposed New 19 TAC Chapter 127, Subchapters C, O, and P

Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC Chapter 157, Hearings and Appeals, Subchapter D, Independent Hearing Examiners, §157.41, Certification Criteria for Independent Hearing Examiners
Summary: The proposed amendment would reduce the length of time an attorney must be licensed and engaged in full-time practice to be eligible to serve as an independent hearing examiner and expand the experience requirements to include family law, criminal law, and personal injury law.
Resumen en Español: La modificación propuesta reduciría el intervalo de tiempo que un abogado debe contar con una licencia y dedicarse a la práctica a tiempo completo con la finalidad de ser elegible para desempeñarse como auditor independiente y ampliaría los requisitos de experiencia para incluir derecho de familia, derecho penal y derecho de lesiones personales.
First Reading and Filing Authorization: January-February 2024 SBOE meeting
Public Comment Period: March 1, 2024-5:00 p.m. on April 1, 2024. The SBOE will take registered oral and written comments on the proposal at the appropriate committee meeting in April 2024 in accordance with the SBOE board operating policies and procedures. 
Proposed Effective Date: 20 days after filing as adopted with the Texas Register

Send a public comment on Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC §157.41

Proposed Rules with Closed Public Comment Periods

Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC Chapter 33, Statement of Investment Objectives, Policies, and Guidelines of the Texas Permanent School Fund, Subchapter A, State Board of Education Rules, §33.2, Distributions to the Available School Fund
Summary: The proposed amendment would reinsert information related to the Permanent School Fund distribution policy that was mistakenly repealed when 19 TAC Chapter 33 was revised to implement Senate Bill 1232, 87th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2021.
Resumen en Español: La modificación propuesta volvería a introducir información relacionada con la política de distribución del Fondo Escolar Permanente, que fue derogada por error cuando se replanteó el capítulo 33 del título 19 del Código Administrativo de Texas para implementar la Ley del Senado 1232, 87.° Legislatura de Texas, sesión ordinaria, 2021.
First Reading and Filing Authorization: November 2023 SBOE meeting
Public Comment Period: December 22, 2023-5:00 p.m. on January 22, 2024. The SBOE will take registered oral and written comments on the proposal at the appropriate committee meeting in January-February 2024 in accordance with the SBOE board operating policies and procedures. 
Proposed Effective Date: 20 days after filing as adopted with the Texas Register

Proposed New 19 TAC Chapter 67, State Review and Approval of Instructional Materials, Subchapter B, State Review and Approval, §67.21, Proclamations, Public Notice, and Requests for Instructional Materials for Review; §67.23, Requirements for Publisher Participation in Instructional Materials Review and Approval (IMRA); and §67.25, Consideration and Approval of Instructional Materials by the State Board of Education, and Subchapter D, Duties of Publishers and Manufacturers, §67.81, Instructional Materials Contracts, and §67.83, Publisher Parent Portal
Summary: The proposed new rules would implement House Bill 1605, 88th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, by defining the criteria to be used in the review and approval of instructional materials by the State Board of Education and the Texas Education Agency; defining requirements for publisher participation in the instructional materials review and approval process; and establishing rules for the annual request for instructional materials for review and future proclamations, contracts for instructional materials, and criteria for publishers required to host parent portals.
Resumen en Español: Las nuevas secciones propuestas implementarían la Ley de la Cámara de Representantes 1605, 88.° Legislatura de Texas, sesión ordinaria, 2023, al definir los criterios que se utilizarán en la revisión y aprobación de materiales educativos por parte de la Junta Estatal de Educación y de la Agencia de Educación de Texas; definir requisitos para la participación de editoriales en el proceso de revisión y aprobación de materiales educativos; y fijar reglas destinadas a la solicitud anual de materiales educativos para revisión y proclamaciones futuras, contratos para materiales educativos y criterios para editoriales obligadas a alojar portales para padres.
First Reading and Filing Authorization: December 2023 SBOE meeting
Public Comment Period: December 29, 2023-5:00 p.m. on January 29, 2024. The SBOE will take registered oral and written comments on the proposal at the appropriate committee meeting in January-February 2024 in accordance with the SBOE board operating policies and procedures.
Proposed Effective Date: 20 days after filing as adopted with the Texas Register

Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC Chapter 109, Budgeting, Accounting, and Auditing, Subchapter C, Adoptions By Reference, §109.41, Financial Accountability System Resource Guide
Summary: The proposed amendment would adopt by reference the updated Financial Accountability System Resource Guide, Version 19, which would include allowable costs for dyslexia and related disorders added by House Bill 3928, 88th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2023.
Resumen en Español: La modificación propuesta adoptaría por referencia la Guía de recursos del sistema de rendición de cuentas financiera actualizada, en su versión 19, que incluiría los costos autorizados por concepto de dislexia y trastornos relacionados, agregados por la Ley de la Cámara de Representantes 3928, 88.° Legislatura de Texas, sesión ordinaria, 2023.
First Reading and Filing Authorization: November 2023 SBOE meeting
Public Comment Period: December 22, 2023-5:00 p.m. on January 22, 2024. The SBOE will take registered oral and written comments on the proposal at the appropriate committee meeting in January-February 2024 in accordance with the SBOE board operating policies and procedures. 
Proposed Effective Date: 20 days after filing as adopted with the Texas Register

Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC Chapter 112, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Science, Subchapter B, Middle School, §112.26(b)(11)(A), Science, Grade 6, Adopted 2021
Summary: The proposed amendment would correct punctuation errors in one student expectation.
Resumen en Español: La modificación propuesta corregiría los errores de puntuación en la expectativa de un estudiante.
First Reading and Filing Authorization: November 2023 SBOE meeting
Public Comment Period: December 22, 2023-5:00 p.m. on January 22, 2024. The SBOE will take registered oral and written comments on the proposal at the appropriate committee meeting in January-February 2024 in accordance with the SBOE board operating policies and procedures. 
Proposed Effective Date: 20 days after filing as adopted with the Texas Register


Contact Information

For questions about the process of proposing, adopting, or publishing Texas Administrative Code rules; reviewing existing rules; or petitioning for rule changes, email the Rulemaking Division at