Proposed Commissioner of Education Rules

All proposed new rules, proposed amendments to existing rules, and proposed repeals being considered by the commissioner of education are available here. The rule text on this page reflects what was filed as proposed with the Texas Register. Rule actions will remain on this page until approved for adoption by the commissioner and filed as adopted with the Texas Register.

During the proposed rule public comment period, you may submit public comments electronically using the public comment form. See proposals below for their comment periods.

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The following links present the preamble filed with the Texas Register in PDF format. The preamble includes information describing the proposed rule action as well as the rule text. The PDF contains a bookmark that will allow you to navigate directly to the beginning of the rule text using the bookmarks feature of your PDF reader.

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Proposed Amendments to 19 TAC Chapter 101, Assessment, Subchapter AA, Commissioner's Rules Concerning the Participation of English Language Learners in State Assessments, Division 1, Assessments of English Language Proficiency and Academic Content for English Language Learners
Summary: The proposed amendments would align the rules with existing state and federal policies regarding the assessment of emergent bilingual students.
Resumen en Español: Las modificaciones propuestas armonizarían las normas con las políticas estatales y federales existentes con respecto a la valoración de estudiantes bilingües emergentes.
Publication in the Texas Register: June 21, 2024
Public Comment Period: June 21, 2024-July 22, 2024
Proposed Effective Date: October 6, 2024

Send a public comment on Proposed Amendments to 19 TAC Chapter 101, Subchapter AA

Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC Chapter 129, Student Attendance, Subchapter AA, Commissioner's Rules, §129.1025, Adoption by Reference: Student Attendance Accounting Handbook
Summary: The proposed amendment would adopt by reference the 2024-2025 Student Attendance Accounting Handbook. The handbook provides student attendance accounting rules for school districts and charter schools.
Resumen en Español: La modificación propuesta adoptaría por referencia el Manual de recuento de asistencia estudiantil 2024-2025. El Manual brinda normas de recuento de asistencia estudiantil para distritos escolares y escuelas autónomas.
Publication in the Texas Register: June 21, 2024
Public Comment Period: June 21, 2024-July 22, 2024. 
Proposed Effective Date: October 1, 2024

Send a public comment on Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC §129.1025

Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC Chapter 151, Commissioner's Rules Concerning Passing Standards for Educator Certification Examinations, §151.1001, Passing Standards
Summary: The proposed amendment would specify the satisfactory scores for the examinations for English Language Arts and Reading 7-12; Health Early Childhood (EC)-12; Physical Education EC-12; edTPA: Elementary Literacy; edTPA: Elementary Mathematics; : Early Childhood Education; edTPA: Elementary Education-Mathematics with Literacy Task 4; and edTPA: Career and Technical Education and remove Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities for Trade and Industrial Education 6-12.
Resumen en Español: La modificación propuesta especificaría las puntuaciones satisfactorias respecto a los exámenes de Lengua y Literatura en inglés, y Lectura (7.° a 12.° grado); Salud y Primera Infancia (EC-12); Educación Física (EC-12): edTPA: Lectoescritura Elemental; edTPA: Matemáticas Elementales; edTPA: Educación en la Primera Infancia; edTPA: Educación Elemental-Matemáticas con Lectoescritura (Paso 4); y edTPA: Educación para Carreras Técnicas, y eliminar Pedagogía y Responsabilidades Profesionales para Educación Comercial e Industrial (6.° a 12.° grado).
Passing Standards for Secondary English Language Arts and Social Studies Examinations 
Passing Standards for Health and Physical Education Examinations 
Passing Standards for Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities Examinations

Publication in the Texas Register: June 28, 2024
Public Comment Period: June 28-July 29, 2024.
Proposed Effective Date: October 8, 2024

Send a public comment on Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC §151.1001


Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC Chapter 61, School Districts, Subchapter BB, Commissioner's Rules on Reporting Requirements, §61.1028, Reporting of Bus Accidents
Summary: The proposed amendment would more closely align existing definitions with statute and, in accordance with House Bill 2190, 88th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, would change the word "accident" to "collision" throughout the rule.
Resumen en Español: La modificación propuesta armonizaría de manera más estrecha las definiciones existentes con el estatuto y, de conformidad con la Ley 2190 de la Cámara de Representantes, 88.° Legislatura de Texas, sesión ordinaria, 2023, cambiaría la palabra “accidente” por “colisión” en toda la norma.
Publication in the Texas Register: May 17, 2024
Public Comment Period: May 17, 2024-June 17, 2024
Proposed Effective Date: August 20, 2024

Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC Chapter 61, School Districts, Subchapter CC, Commissioner's Rules Concerning School Facilities, §61.1031, School Safety Requirements
Summary: The proposed amendment would implement Senate Bill 838 and House Bill 3, 88th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, and clarify requirements for school safety to ensure a safe and secure environment in Texas public schools.
Resumen en Español: La modificación propuesta implementaría la Ley 838 del Senado y la Ley 3 de la Cámara de Representantes, 88.° Legislatura de Texas, sesión ordinaria, 2023, y aclararía los requisitos de seguridad escolar para garantizar un entorno seguro y protegido en las escuelas públicas de Texas.
Publication in the Texas Register: May 24, 2024
Public Comment Period: May 24, 2024-June 24, 2024
Proposed Effective Date: September 1, 2024

Proposed Amendments to 19 TAC Chapter 89, Adaptations for Special Populations, Subchapter AA, Commissioner's Rules Concerning Special Education Services, Division 1, General Provisions, §89.1001, Scope and Applicability, and §89.1005, Instructional Arrangements and Settings; and Division 2, Clarification of Provisions in Federal Regulations and State Law, §89.1075, General Program Requirements and Local District Procedures; §89.1076, Interventions and Sanctions; §89.1085, Referral for the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired and the Texas School for the Deaf Services; §89.1090, Transportation of Students Placed in a Residential Setting, Including the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired and the Texas School for the Deaf; §89.1092, Contracting for Residential Educational Placements for Students with Disabilities; and §89.1094, Students Receiving Special Education and Related Services in an Off-Campus Program
Summary: The proposed amendments would clarify current program practices and requirements, including clarifying existing statutory obligations for school districts to extend their Child Find activities to residential facilities, as well as facilities under the direction and control of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department and the Texas Department of Criminal Justice when those facilities are located in the district's boundaries; reflecting the qualifications that instructional arrangements and settings listed in Texas Education Code (TEC), §48.102, must meet in order to be funded through the state special education allotment; adding an existing federal requirement for school districts to develop policies and procedures that implement the established state policies and procedures and an existing statutory requirement reminding transition and employment designees to complete required training; specifying interventions and sanctions that the Texas Education Agency (TEA) may, or is required to, implement under state and federal law when noncompliance is identified; clarifying when the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI) and the Texas School for the Deaf (TSD) are considered the resident school district for purposes of §89.1085 and §89.1090; addressing transportation to and from TSBVI and TSD when students are expected to leave the residential campus setting; providing clarity and aligning with current expectations and nonpublic residential placement guidance; and clarifying the phrases "off-campus program" and "off-home campus."
Resumen en Español: Las modificaciones propuestas concretarían las prácticas y requisitos actuales de los programas, incluyendo lo siguiente: la aclaración de las obligaciones estatutarias existentes para que los distritos escolares amplíen sus actividades de Child Find a centros residenciales, así como a instalaciones bajo la dirección y control del Departamento de Justicia Juvenil de Texas y del Departamento de Justicia Penal de Texas cuando dichas instalaciones estén ubicadas dentro de los límites del distrito; la reflexión de las cualificaciones que los preparativos y entornos de enseñanza indicados en la sección (§) 48.102 del Código de Educación de Texas (TEC) deben cumplir para su financiación mediante la asignación estatal de educación especial; la adición de un requisito federal existente para que los distritos escolares desarrollen políticas y procedimientos que implementen las políticas y procedimientos estatales establecidos y un requisito estatutario existente que recuerde a las personas designadas para transición y empleo que finalicen la capacitación exigida; la especificación de intervenciones y sanciones que la Agencia de Educación de Texas puede o está obligada a implementar cuando se identifica incumplimiento, de conformidad con las leyes estatales y federales; la aclaración respecto a cuándo la Escuela para Personas Ciegas y con Impedimentos Visuales de Texas (TSBVI) y la Escuela para Personas Sordas de Texas (TSD) se consideran el distrito escolar residente a los efectos de las secciones (§) 89.1085 y (§)89.1090; la tenencia en cuenta del transporte hacia y desde TSBVI y TSD cuando se espera que los estudiantes abandonen el entorno del campus residencial; la provisión de claridad y la armonización con las expectativas actuales, así como la orientación respecto a la colocación residencial privada; y la aclaración de los términos “programa fuera del campus” y “campus fuera del hogar”.
Publication in the Texas Register: May 3, 2024
Public Comment Period: May 3, 2024-June 3, 2024
Public Hearing Information: Public hearings will be conducted to solicit testimony and input on the proposed amendments at 9:30 a.m. on May 15 and 16, 2024. The public may participate in either hearing virtually by linking to the hearing at Anyone wishing to testify must be present at 9:30 a.m. and indicate to TEA staff their intent to comment and are encouraged to also send written testimony to The hearing will conclude once all who have signed in have been given the opportunity to comment. Questions about the hearing should be directed to Derek Hollingsworth, Special Populations Policy, Reporting, and Technical Assistance,
Proposed Effective Date: August 6, 2024

Proposed Amendments to 19 TAC Chapter 89, Adaptations for Special Populations, Subchapter AA, Commissioner's Rules Concerning Special Education Services, Division 2, Clarification of Provisions in Federal Regulations and State Law, §89.1011, Full Individual and Initial Evaluation; §89.1040, Eligibility Criteria; §89.1050, The Admission, Review, and Dismissal Committee; and §89.1055, Content of the Individualized Education Program, and Division 5, Special Education and Related Service Personnel, §89.1131, Qualifications of Special Education, Related Service, and Paraprofessional Personnel
Summary: The proposed amendments would implement House Bill 3928, 88th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, and codify current program practices.
Resumen en Español: Las modificaciones propuestas implementarían la Ley 3928 de la Cámara de Representantes, 88. ° Legislatura de Texas, sesión ordinaria, 2023, y codificarían las prácticas actuales de programas.
Publication in the Texas Register: March 22, 2024 
Public Comment Period: March 22, 2024-April 22, 2024
Public Hearing Information: Public hearings will be conducted to solicit testimony and input on the proposed amendments at 9:30 a.m. on April 8 and 10, 2024. The public may participate in either hearing virtually by linking to the hearing at Anyone wishing to testify must be present at 9:30 a.m. and indicate to TEA staff their intent to comment and are encouraged to also send written testimony to The hearing will conclude once all who have signed in have been given the opportunity to comment. Questions about the hearing should be directed to Derek Hollingsworth, Special Populations Policy, Reporting, and Technical Assistance,
Proposed Effective Date: July 7, 2024

Proposed Amendments to 19 TAC Chapter 89, Adaptations for Special Populations, Subchapter AA, Commissioner's Rules Concerning Special Education Services, Division 2, Clarification of Provisions in Federal Regulations and State Law, §89.1049, Parental Rights Regarding Adult Students, and §89.1065, Extended School Year Services; and Division 6, Regional Education Service Center Special Education Programs, §89.1141, Education Service Center Regional Special Education Leadership
Summary: The proposed amendments would clarify terminology and codify current program practices.
Resumen en Español: Las modificaciones propuestas aclararían la terminología y codificarían las prácticas actuales de programas.
Publication in the Texas Register: March 22, 2024 
Public Comment Period: March 22, 2024-April 22, 2024
Public Hearing Information: Public hearings will be conducted to solicit testimony and input on the proposed amendments at 9:30 a.m. on April 4 and 5, 2024. The public may participate in either hearing virtually by linking to the hearing at Anyone wishing to testify must be present at 9:30 a.m. and indicate to TEA staff their intent to comment and are encouraged to also send written testimony to The hearing will conclude once all who have signed in have been given the opportunity to comment. Questions about the hearing should be directed to Derek Hollingsworth, Special Populations Policy, Reporting, and Technical Assistance,
Proposed Effective Date: July 7, 2024

Proposed Amendments to 19 TAC Chapter 97, Planning and Accountability, Subchapter EE, Accreditation Status, Standards, and Sanctions, Division 1, Status, Standards, and Sanctions
Summary: The proposed amendments would establish that a superintendent appointed in conjunction with a board of managers assumes office immediately upon appointment and update cross references to statute and other administrative rules.
Resumen en Español: Las modificaciones propuestas establecerían que un superintendente nombrado de manera conjunta con una junta directiva asuma su cargo inmediatamente después de su nombramiento y actualizaría las referencias cruzadas a los estatutos y otras normas administrativas.
Publication in the Texas Register: May 24, 2024
Public Comment Period: May 24, 2024-June 24, 2024
Proposed Effective Date: August 27, 2024

Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC Chapter 97, Planning and Accountability, Subchapter EE, Accreditation Status, Standards, and Sanctions, Division 1, Status, Standards, and Sanctions, §97.1071, Special Program Performance; Monitoring, Review, and Supports
Summary: The proposed amendment would clarify current practice and align with federal guidance related to state supervision requirements.
Resumen en Español: La modificación propuesta aclararía la práctica actual y se armonizaría con la orientación federal relacionada con los requisitos estatales de supervisión.
Publication in the Texas Register: May 24, 2024
Public Comment Period: May 24, 2024-June 24, 2024
Public Hearing Information: Public hearings to solicit testimony and input on the proposal will be held at 9:30 a.m. on May 30 and 31, 2024, via Zoom. The public may participate in either hearing virtually by linking to the hearing at Anyone wishing to testify must be present at 9:30 a.m. and indicate to TEA staff their intent to comment and are encouraged to also send written testimony to The hearing will conclude once all who have signed in have been given the opportunity to comment. Questions about the hearing should be directed to Derek Hollingsworth, Special Populations Policy, Reporting and Technical Assistance,
Proposed Effective Date: September 10, 2024

Proposed Revisions to 19 TAC Chapter 100, Charters, Subchapter AA, Commissioner's Rules Concerning Open-Enrollment Charter Schools
Summary: The proposed revisions would reorganize the subchapter as well as reflect changes to the Texas Education Code resulting from House Bill (HB) 1707, 88th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2023; Senate Bill (SB) 2032, 88th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2023; SB 879 , 87th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2021; HB 189, 87th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2021; SB 1615, 87th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2021; and SB 2293, 86th Texas Legislature, 2019.
Resumen en Español: Las modificaciones propuestas reorganizarían el subcapítulo y reflejarían los cambios al Código de Educación de Texas producto de las siguientes leyes: Ley 1707 de la Cámara de Representantes (HB), 88.° Legislatura de Texas, sesión ordinaria, 2023; Ley 2032 del Senado (SB), 88.° Legislatura de Texas, sesión ordinaria, 2023; Ley 879 del Senado (SB), 87.° Legislatura de Texas, sesión ordinaria, 2021; Ley 189 de la Cámara de Representantes (HB), 87.° Legislatura de Texas, sesión ordinaria, 2021; Ley 1615 del Senado (SB), 87.° Legislatura de Texas, sesión ordinaria, 2021; y Ley 2293 del Senado (SB), 86.° Legislatura de Texas, 2019.
Publication in the Texas Register: March 15, 2024
Public Comment Period: March 15, 2024-April 15, 2024
Proposed Effective Date: June 25, 2024

Proposed New 19 TAC Chapter 102, Educational Programs, Subchapter BB, Commissioner Rules Concerning the Rural Pathway Excellence Partnership (R-PEP) Program, §102.1021, Rural Pathway Excellence Partnership Program
Summary: The proposed new rule would implement House Bill 2209, 88th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, by establishing the Rural Pathway Excellence Partnership program.
Resumen en Español: La nueva norma propuesta implementaría la Ley 2209 de la Cámara de Representantes, 88. ° Legislatura de Texas, sesión ordinaria, 2023, mediante el establecimiento del Programa de Asociaciones Rurales hacia la Excelencia en Trayectorias (Rural Pathway Excellence Partnership Program).
Publication in the Texas Register: April 12, 2024 
Public Comment Period: April 12, 2024-May 13, 2024
Proposed Effective Date: July 23, 2024

Proposed Revisions to 19 TAC Chapter 102, Educational Programs, Subchapter GG, Commissioner's Rules Concerning College and Career Readiness School Models
Summary: The proposed revisions would repeal provisions related to Texas Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (T-STEM) Academies as a result of the sunset of T-STEM programs in June 2023 and would consolidate information related to Early College High School (ECHS) and Pathways in Technology Early College High School into one new section. The proposed new section would update ECHS programmatic requirements to align with the requirements of Senate Bill 1887, 88th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2023.
Resumen en Español: Las modificaciones propuestas derogarían las disposiciones relacionadas con las academias de Ciencias, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas de Texas (T-STEM) como resultado de la finalización de los programas T-STEM en junio de 2023 y consolidarían la información relacionada con escuelas preparatorias preuniversitarias (ECHS) y escuelas preparatorias preuniversitarias con trayectorias en Tecnología en una nueva sección. La nueva sección propuesta actualizaría los requisitos programáticos de ECHS para armonizarse con los requisitos de la Ley 1887 del Senado, 88.° Legislatura de Texas, sesión ordinaria, 2023.
Publication in the Texas Register: April 26, 2024
Public Comment Period: April 26, 2024-May 27, 2024
Proposed Effective Date: August 11, 2024

Proposed New 19 TAC Chapter 102, Educational Programs, Subchapter GG, Commissioner's Rules Concerning College and Career Readiness School Models, §102.1097, Financial Aid for Swift Transfer Program
Summary: The proposed new section would implement House Bill 8, 88th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, by establishing provisions for the Financial Aid for Swift Transfer program.
Resumen en Español: Las modificaciones propuestas derogarían las disposiciones relacionadas con las academias de Ciencias La nueva sección propuesta implementaría Ley 8 de la Cámara de Representantes, 88.° Legislatura de Texas, sesión ordinaria, 2023, al establecer disposiciones para el Programa de Ayuda Financiera para Traslado Rápido.
Publication in the Texas Register: April 26, 2024
Public Comment Period: April 26, 2024-May 27, 2024
Proposed Effective Date: August 11, 2024

Proposed New 19 TAC Chapter 103, Health and Safety, Subchapter BB, Commissioner's Rules Concerning General Provisions for Health and Safety, §103.1103, Opioid Antagonist Medication Requirements in Schools
Summary: The new section would implement Senate Bill 629, 88th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, and adopt by reference the rules of the executive commissioner of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission.
Resumen en Español: La nueva sección implementaría la Ley 629 del Senado, 88. ° Legislatura de Texas, sesión ordinaria, 2023, y adoptaría por referencia las normas del comisionado ejecutivo de la Comisión de Salud y Servicios Humanos de Texas.
Publication in the Texas Register: April 19, 2024 
Public Comment Period: April 19, 2024-May 20, 2024
Proposed Effective Date: July 30, 2024

Proposed New 19 TAC Chapter 105, Foundation School Program, Subchapter DD, Commissioner's Rules Concerning University Interscholastic League Allotment, §105.1031, Allotment for Non-enrolled Students Participating in University Interscholastic League Activities
Summary: The proposed new rule would implement House Bill 3708, 88th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, by establishing provisions related to an allotment for local educational agencies that allow non-enrolled students to participate in University Interscholastic League activities.
Resumen en Español: La nueva norma propuesta implementaría la Ley 3708 de la Cámara de Representantes, 88.° Legislatura de Texas, sesión ordinaria, 2023, al establecer disposiciones relacionadas con una asignación para agencias educativas locales que permitan a los estudiantes no inscritos participar en actividades de la Liga Interescolar Universitaria.
Publication in the Texas Register: March 22, 2024 
Public Comment Period: March 22, 2024-April 22, 2024
Proposed Effective Date: July 2, 2024

Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC Chapter 150, Commissioner's Rules Concerning Educator Appraisal, Subchapter AA, Teacher Appraisal, §150.1012, Local Optional Teacher Designation System
Summary: The proposed amendment would update procedures and terminology and provide the Texas Education Agency additional discretion to allow system changes outside the existing approval timeline in certain situations.
Resumen en Español: La modificación propuesta actualizaría los procedimientos y la terminología. Asimismo, brindaría a la Agencia de Educación de Texas discreción adicional para permitir cambios en el sistema fuera del cronograma de aprobación existente en determinadas situaciones.
Publication in the Texas Register: June 7, 2024
Public Comment Period: June 7, 2024-July 8, 2024
Proposed Effective Date: September 17, 2024

Contact Information

For questions about the process of proposing, adopting, or publishing Texas Administrative Code rules; reviewing existing rules; or petitioning for rule changes, email the Rulemaking Division at