State-Approved Group-Administered Achievement Tests
Districts have the option of using locally adopted criterion-referenced or state-approved norm-referenced assessment instruments along with assessment instruments administered by TEA under Texas Education Code (TEC) Section 39.026. For group-administered achievement tests given under this local option, TEC §39.032 requires that the school district not use the same form of an assessment instrument for more than eight years and that the standardization norms not be more than eight years old at the time of test administration.
Each year in August, TEA sends out a request for information on group-administered achievement tests. Then the commissioner of education publishes an annual list of state-approved group-administered achievement tests that test publishers have certified meet the requirements of TEC §39.032 as required by Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §101.101. This section defines an assessment instrument required under TEC §39.032 as a nationally normed achievement test that is group administered and reported publicly in the aggregate. Tests given for a special purpose, such as program placement or individual evaluation, are not included in this definition.
The 2023–2024 State-Approved Group-Administered Achievement Tests link provides the state-approved list of group-administered achievement tests for the 2023–2024 school year.
If you have questions concerning the list of tests, please contact the Student Assessment Division at (512) 463-9536. For questions about a particular instrument please contact the test publisher.