Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Grant Programs

ESSER grant funding is authorized in three pieces of legislation. As a result, the ESSER programs are administered by TEA as separate grant programs. An ESSER side-by-side is under development.

The ESSER I, CRRSA ESSER II, and ARP ESSER III grant programs run concurrently. During the overlap in periods of availability, grantees may expend funds from any of the grant programs.

ESSER I Grant Program 
(FAR code 266)

Authorized in Title VIII, Division B, of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, signed into law in March 2020. Period of availability is March 13, 2020 (with pre-award), to September 30, 2022 (with carryover).

CRRSA ESSER II Grant Program 
(FAR code 281)

Authorized in the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA), signed into law in December 2020. Period of availability is March 13, 2020 (with pre-award), to September 30, 2023 (with carryover).

ARP ESSER III Grant Program
(FAR code 282)

Authorized in the American Rescue Plan Act (ARP), signed into law in March 2021. Period of availability is March 13, 2020 (with pre-award), to September 30, 2024 (with carryover).

Approved Texas State Plan for ARP ESSER III (July 7, 2021)

Required data posting:  Appendix A: School Operating Status and Instructional Mode Data (PDF) (June 14, 2021)


ESSER-SUPP Grant Program
(Use ESSER III FAR code 283, along with a local option code to distinguish it as separate from ESSER III)

The Texas Legislature authorized under TEC Section 29.930 as added by House Bill 1525, 87th Legislature, Regular Session, a portion of the state’s discretionary ESSER III funding to provide additional resources to pay for unreimbursed costs due to the coronavirus pandemic and for intensive educational supports for students not performing satisfactorily.

Grant Allocations

The Entitlements page lists ESSER amounts allocated to eligible LEAs by LEA and ESC.

Refer to the ESSER Fund Allocation Procedures for details on TEA's method for allocating ESSER funds.

USDE Annual Performance Reporting

TEA has developed the following USDE Annual Performance Reporting resources:

ESSER Compliance 


The ESSER Compliance Team is validating a group of 200 LEAs and reviewing the selected checkboxes that were identified in Section C. of the CRRSA ESSER II application. The team is validating to ensure that the LEAs selected for validation has documentation to verify that the LEA followed a process for determining need for the district, and how the LEA determined types of processes the LEA followed in prioritizing what activities would be funded with ESSER II funds. 

See the list of 200 LEAs selected for 2022 Needs Assessment validation here.


An LEA that receives ESSER III grant funding is required to develop the following plans and post them online:

  • A plan for safe return to in-person instruction and continuity of services, per ARP Section 2001(i)
  • An ESSER III use of funds plan

For all LEAs that receive ESSER III grant funding, TEA is required to supply USDE with the URLs for these two plans.

The ESSER Compliance Team is validating a group of 200 LEAs to ensure their return to in-person instruction plans are up to date, posted appropriately, contain required elements, and that the current links are working.

See the list of 200 LEAs selected for 2022 RIPICS validation here.

Districts selected for ESSER validation will submit documentation via the ESSER Compliance SmartSheet WorkApp which can be accessed here.

TEA Resources

TEA has developed the following ESSER resources:


To meet ESSER requirements, TEA has developed the following forms:

ESSER Planning Resources

The Resilient Schools Support Program (RSSP), one of TEA's Strong Start Resources, has developed a COVID Recovery ESSER Planning Template (Excel and accessible PDF). This template is not a mandatory tool but an optional one you may use to align your funding plan to your LEA learning acceleration strategy.

A more extensive Learning Acceleration Planning Workbook tool is used by 75-plus LEAs in the RSSP. The RSSP is currently supporting LEAs in developing stakeholder-informed learning acceleration plans based on data and is providing technical assistance to implement learning acceleration strategies (e.g., improved instructional strategies, interventions, high dosage tutoring, etc.). To learn more about the planning workbook, the learning acceleration strategies, or the RSSP, email RSSP@tea.texas.gov.