TREx Training

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The Texas Records Exchange system (TREx) is a web-based application for the exchange of electronic student records between Texas public school districts and for the submission of electronic transcripts to Texas public colleges and universities. This page contains training materials for TREx Users and TREx Coordinators at school districts and Education Service Centers.

Training tutorials (v.3.4) are online step-by-step instruction tutorials demonstrating how to perform the most commonly used TREx functions:

Training aids include graphics depicting TREx workflow, correct file naming characteristics, and contact information for assistance:

Training scenarios are worksheet exercises for use by trainers providing instruction on TREx usage:

Format examples are samples of official (with seal) and unofficial (no seal) transcript documents:

User guides provide a reference for TREx users: TREx v.3.9 User Guide: Word (5.26 MB)